Meet Our Team

Dr Rob Norris

Rob grew up in Scarborough graduating from UWA in 1981. After a year in Public Health dentistry, Rob joined Athol Purchase in his Mandurah practice and provided a locum service for John Arnold, and others, on and off, until 1987.

In 1987 Rob travelled to Britain on a working holiday that lasted until the end of 2004. He worked in mixed private and NHS practice with a special interest in functional full-mouth reconstruction. While a member of SAAD (The Society for the Advancement of Anaesthesia in Dentistry) he developed a variety of techniques to treat patients with Dental phobia.

Before going completely native, in Britain, Rob returned to Mandurah, with his wife, from Furnissdale, to be near the extended Family.

With the family home in Mandurah since 2005 Rob established a country practice in Wagin where he practiced happily until late 2023. He is now in Mandurah full-time to be closer to his extended aging family.

In his spare time Rob walks, weeds, and writes. As lockdowns hit, in 2020 he published his first book “Eat, Play, Sleep (three keys to finding your younger self),” which was briefly an Amazon #1 bestseller. He also paints, reads, and dreams of surfing and sailing.

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