Your Guide to Wisdom Teeth Removal: From Start to Finish

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The TLC Dental Approach to Wisdom Teeth


Are you getting ready for wisdom teeth removal? Understanding the whole process, from your first meeting to recovery, can make things smoother. Our dentist, Dr. Charles Love, breaks down the steps of this dental procedure so you’ll know what to do before, during and after your wisdom teeth removal. 


Getting Ready

Consultation Process

Your journey begins with a consultation with our oral surgeon. They’ll discuss the procedure, take X-rays of your wisdom teeth, and give you instructions before the surgery. This meeting helps your dentist plan the best way to remove your wisdom teeth and allows you to ask your dentist any questions you might have. 


Types of Anesthesia

Knowing about anaesthesia is important. There are different types, like local anaesthesia, IV sedation, or general anaesthesia. Our dental team will discuss these options with you during your initial consultation.


Before Surgery

On the day, you’ll want to follow any instructions from your dental care team. This usually includes things like not eating for a bit, arranging a ride to and from your dentist’s office, and following any medical advice. 


Also, make your home comfy for when you recover. Depending on your surgery, you could be eating liquid foods for a while before you feel up to solids. Having a stock of soups, noodles and smoothies on hand can make eating in the first few days much more comfortable.


The Day of Surgery

Arriving and Checking In

On the day of the surgery, getting to our dental office is the next step. There will be quick check-in steps, and you’ll meet the team who will help you through the procedure.


During the Procedure

What Happens

Depending on how your wisdom teeth are positioned in your mouth, you could have them removed in a dentist’s chair or need to go in for day surgery. Either way, the process will be relatively painless and quick. You can expect to spend about an hour and a half at our office without complications. 


Staying Comfortable

Your comfort during the procedure is important. Our team will monitor your vital signs, manage any pain, and keep you in the loop during the surgery.


After Surgery Care

Right After

Right after surgery, you’ll feel numb until the anaesthesia wears off. Once the feeling starts to come back, you’ll likely have some pain, tenderness and swelling that can be managed with over-the-counter painkillers and ice packs.


At-Home Care

Once you’re home, follow our dentist’s clear instructions for care. Manage pain, swelling, and bleeding with prescribed medicines or over-the-counter options. 

You’ll want to spend a few days resting, eating liquids and soft foods if your mouth is particularly painful and keeping an eye out for excessive bleeding that could indicate a problem. 


Recovering and Check-Ups

Getting Better

In the first two weeks, you’ll notice your pain, swelling and bleeding will lessen as time goes on. As it does, you can slowly introduce soft foods to your diet. During this time, you’ll want to avoid any strenuous physical activity and hard or crunchy foods that could cause pain to your healing extraction sites. 


Follow-Up Visits

Be sure to complete the follow-up visits with our team. We’ll use these visits to check how your mouth is healing and ensure there are no complications in your extraction sites. 

Starting the journey of wisdom teeth removal might seem scary, but with good info and preparation, you can handle each step confidently. Remember, if you have questions or concerns, talk to our friendly team at TLC Dental. We’re here to provide expert dental care, when you need it.

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